[这个贴子最后由林川在 2004/09/23 04:56am 第 1 次编辑]
作者单位:(西南自动化研究所 自控部,四川 绵阳621000)
摘要:应用程序任务栏可显示或隐藏在屏幕的一边随时供用户操作。用VC++的API函数实现应用程序任务栏。在Win 2000 Server平台下,先用对话框资源建立一个AppBar;用MFC App Wizard向导生成应用框架程序。
英文题名:ApplicationBar Realized by VC++
LI fu, YANG Jin-hua
Abstract: ApplicationBar is displayed or hided one side of screen for user’s using. ApplicationBar could be easily realized by API functions in Visual C++. Under Win 2000 Server, firstly, a AppBar was set up with dialog box resource, then App frame program was created by MFC App Wizard guide.