我是今年3月初配置的一台电脑,CPU:AMD闪龙2000+754针64位,主板:升技NF8,金帮内存512MDD 400,硬盘:金钻80G ,微星FX5200 TD128显卡。最近二天平凡出现兰屏,屏幕英文字母如下:A Prob lem has been detected ahd windows has been shut doun to prerent damagetoynrcompuer,
If this isthefirst time you';veseen this stop errofscreen,restart your computer,If this screeh appears afain,follow these steps;
chexk tomake sure any new hardware or softwareisproperly installed Ifthisa new insall ation,askyo ur hardwaye or softwaremahufecturer for any winsowsupdates you mightneed.
If prblems continue,disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software.Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.If you need to use safe Mode to remove or disable components,restart your computer,press F8to select Advanced startup options,and then select safe Mode.
Technical information
***nvmcp.sys-Addyess F09DFBE7 base at F098400,Datestamp 10b3cf79.