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NOD32 ESET Smart Security 推迟发布(全文翻译)
Just to give everyone a quick status update, we are currently running a bit behind schedule for the public beta test release of ESET Smart Security but expect to have it available in a few days.
我们给大家带来了一些最新的情况,ESET Smart Security的公开测试因为我们目前的进展落后于预定的计划而被推迟,但是我们期望能够在近几天内发布。
I know there is a great deal of interest in seeing ESET Smart Security and our developers, QA engineers and tech writers are putting in long hours in order to ensure not just that everyone has a stable product which excellent performance, but to have a great experience with it as well.
我知道大家对ESET Smart Security和它的开发人员有浓厚的兴趣,质量管理工程师和技术人员正夜以继日的工作,以确保大家能见到一个性能卓越的稳定产品,同时获得良好的用户体验。
With that in mind, though, I would like to provide folks with some background information about what is going on in order to better set your expectations about what ESET Smart Security is and is not:
虽然抱着这个理念,不过我还是愿意向大家提供一些幕后消息,关于我们为了不辜负大家的期望是如何做的,以及关于ESET Smart Security的一些是是非非。
ESS is the first, brand-new version of security software to be released by ESET in several years. NOD32 v2.70, v2.51 and earlier releases were version upgrades, all based on the 2.x codebase which dates back to 2003. While it is a testament to the excellence of the architecture and engineering teams that four years later it is still the basis for the same engine which protects you against viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, adware and a whole host of other threats and vectors, the time for a new architecture has been approaching for some time: Over the past four years, not only has the threatscape changed, but our developers have some different and better ways to protect you against both today's and tomorrow's threats. Not all of those changes can be implemented easily on the 2.x codebase, hence the need for a codebase not just to provide us with a better platform for new features and functionality, but a better way to do established features and functionality as well.
ESS 是ESET近年来发布的首款全新的安全软件。NOD32 v2.70, v2.51以及早期的版本都是升级版,这些产品都是以2003年第二版的代码为基础的。它秉承了卓越的结构和模块,并且在四年之后它依然以相同的引擎为基础保护使用者免受病毒、蠕虫、木马、间谍软件、广告软件以及其他威胁的干扰。然而一个全新构架的产品正应运而生:在过去的几年里,病毒界已经发生了变化,而我们的开发人员也研发出了一些不同以往的更好方法以保护使用者免受已知和未知威胁的侵害,并不是所有的这些变化都能很容易的在第二版的代码中实现,因此这种需求不仅给新模块和新功能的提供了一个更好的平台,同时也是实现既定模块和功能的更好的方式。
ESS is not production code, but beta code. Unlike previous beta test cycles which tested updates to a mature codebase, ESS represents a brand-new codebase and some of the experiences you have with it will mirror those which occurred with NOD32 v1.0 and v2.0 beta-test cycles.
ESS不是正式产品,而是一个测试版。不同与以往从测试升级版成熟升级版的测试周期,ESS的代码是全部重写的全新代码,这种测试的一些经历和你从NOD32 v1.0 到 v2.0版的测试周期的经历相类似。
The Public Beta 1 drop of ESS is going to contain some rough edges, such as unfinished screens, missing online help sections and so forth. It is also going to contain bugs (errors in the program, not viruses). While we have been devoting a great deal of resources to internal testing, we also realize it is impossible to completely test ESS in all possible configurations and environments. Despite the best efforts of our developers and QA engineers, we know the code will have bugs in it which we were not exercised during internal testing we performed. We are relying on our beta testers to help us find and fix them.
The beta test cycle for ESS is going to run longer than those for previous programs. For example, NOD32 v2.70, the last product to be beta-tested publically, only added incremental features (malware reclassification, antirootkit and so forth) and support for an additional operating system (Microsoft Windows Vista). ESS is a new product and is going to have to be tested across a wide range of operating environments.
ESS的测试周期会比以前的产品更长。例如,NOD32 v2.70这个经过公开测试的最新产品,只是加入了一些模块(恶意软件重新分类、反rootkit等),并且只增加了对一个操作系统的支持(VISTA)。ESS是一个全新的产品并且需要在广泛的操作系统环境下进行测试。
ESS is going to change through the beta test cycle. While the behavior, documentation feature set, interface and other parts which make up ESS have been planned, they are not all completely implemented yet. Also, we realize that while we have made some reasonable determinations regarding things like default feature sets and behavior, they may not be the best choices for everyone. Providing ESET with your feedback on this is just as critical as reporting bugs, and we will listen to what you have to say and take appropriate action. That does not mean we are going to implement every change and feature request we receive. But it does mean we are taking all feedback we receive very seriously.
ESS is going to frustrate you at times. ESS represents a brand-new way of doing things for ESET, and it is likely that things which were easy or simple for you to do with previous versions are not going to be as simple or as easy to do with ESS. ESS represents a new way of doing things and is going to be different than NOD32 v2.70 in a lot of ways. We realize there are people who are very comfortable with NOD32 v2.70 and are not going to like those differences. As stated in the paragraph above, this is one of the things we are looking for feedback on.
ESS有时会让你泄气。ESS是ESET的一个全新的尝试,很可能许多在以前版本中很简单或者很容易的事情,在ESS中不那么容易做到。ESS采用了新的处理方式,而在许多方面与NOD32 v2.70有很大不同。我们意识到许多习惯使用NOD32 v2.70的人会不适应这些变化。如何前面所说,这是其中一个我们期待反馈的问题。
ESS is going to amaze you at times. ESS represents a brand-new way of doing things for ESET, and it is likely that things which were difficult or impossible for you to do with previous versions are going to be simple and easy to do with ESS. We hope you like those and continue to give us feedback on how we can make things easier and simpler.
You now should have a better appreciation for what is coming with ESET Smart Security and why it is taking us a few extra days to get it ready for you. You may also have noticed there are several things I have not discussed such as platform support, system requirements or specific features. The reason for this is quite simple: These will change through the beta test cycle, in large part because of feedback from you. While we have some sense of what these are going to be, we are relying on you to help us fine-tune them.
感谢“kakala”朋友的辛苦翻译。 |