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[求助]怎样重新启用ping 命令?


[求助]怎样重新启用ping 命令?

策略包  是不是组测量或本地安全策略的
还有你运行PING的时候有什么提示  有PING.EXE就可以ping的


[求助]怎样重新启用ping 命令?

什么是组测量啊,我不知道啊! 这是下载页上的软件说明: 防PRC病毒安全策略包 现在利用RPC的蠕虫十几种之多,杀毒软件又不能及时的更新,建议使用防PRC病毒安全策略包 本策略包禁止了任何远程的ip对您机器的135端口,139端口,445端口,icmp0端口的连接,这样有效的防止了任何变种冲击波病毒的攻击。 为了防止对整个网络的冲击,本策略包禁止ping命令,但可以ping www.zz.ha.cn 来进行网络测试。 压缩包内含:NT和2000下使用的版本和xp和2003下使用的版本 运行时的提示: Negotiating IP Security Negotiating IP Security Negotiating IP Security Negotiating IP Secutity Ping statistics for Packets:Sent=4,Recieved=0,Lost=4<100% loss>, 再次真心求教,请高手帮忙! 谢谢!!!


[求助]怎样重新启用ping 命令?

不利用任何专门的工具软件,能否手动实现 禁止端口,禁止Ping,等目标呢?


[求助]怎样重新启用ping 命令?



[求助]怎样重新启用ping 命令?



[求助]怎样重新启用ping 命令?



[求助]怎样重新启用ping 命令?

Thank you!!


[求助]怎样重新启用ping 命令?



[求助]怎样重新启用ping 命令?



[求助]怎样重新启用ping 命令?

为了找到安装路径(在安装的时候它不提供路径的选择),我又重新安装了一遍,它的路径是:C:\Documents and Settings\zxx\Local Settings\Temp\RarSFXO,可是我怎么也搜不到啊!即使显示系统文件夹,或者在cmd中用dir /a也找不到这个文件!!!


[求助]怎样重新启用ping 命令?



[求助]怎样重新启用ping 命令?



[求助]怎样重新启用ping 命令?

防PRC病毒安全策略包禁止了任何远程的ip对您机器的135端口,139端口,445端口,icmp0端口的连接,它有效的防止了任何变种冲击波病毒的攻击。 为了防止对整个网络的冲击,也禁止了ping命令,但可以ping www.zz.ha.cn 来进行网络测试


[求助]怎样重新启用ping 命令?

可新的问题有来了:为什么安装的目标文件夹在安装后会消失,而且在cmd中用dir /a命令都没法看到?而且我发现如果重复安装,它的名字都在改变(由RarSFX0,到RarSFX1,RarSFX2,RarSFX3……)
REM For Windows 2000 systems this script requires ipsecpol.exe to be in the system path or in the same
REM directory as the script.
REM IPSecpol.exe can be downloaded for Windows 2000 from:
REM http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techinfo/reskit/tools/existing/ipsecpol-o.asp
REM For Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 systems this script requires ipseccmd.exe in the system path
REM or in the same directory as the script.
REM This tool can be found in the Windows XP Support Tools directory on the Windows XP installation CD.
REM Figure out what operating system we're running on before doing anything.
REM If running on Win9x, NT 4.0 or lower, throw error and exit.
REM detect Windows NT vs. 9x
if (%OS%)==(Windows_NT) goto NT
goto Unsupported
REM determine build of NT (if necessary)
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%i in ('ver') do set MyVer=%%i
for /f "tokens=2" %%i in ('echo %MyVer%') do set MyVer=%%i
for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=." %%i in ('echo %MyVer%') do (
        set MajorVer=%%i
        set MinorVer=%%j
        set BuildNum=%%k
set MyVer=
REM echo MajorVer == %MajorVer%
REM echo MinorVer == %MinorVer%
REM echo BuildNum == %BuildNum%
REM Check if they are running on NT 4.0, the code above returns 'is' on NT 4.0
IF /I %MajorVer%==is GOTO Unsupported

IF /I '%1'=='' GOTO GetChoice
SET Choice=%1
GOTO CreateIPSecPolicyBasedOnOS

echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo RPC Port Blocker Script version 2.0
echo Created by Microsoft PSS Security
echo This batch file creates an IPSec policy that can block DCOM / RPC and ICMP
echo connection attempts over the following NetBIOS, SMB, RPC or blaster ports:
echo RPC Ports: UDP/TCP 135+445, UDP 137+138 and TCP 139+593
echo Blaster Ports: TCP 135, UDP 69, TCP 4444, ICMP Protocol
echo Windows 2000 and higher operating system options (NT 4.0 is not supported):
echo Press '1' to block access to RPC ports listed above (inbound direction only)
echo Press '2' to block access to RPC ports listed above (inbound and outbound)
echo Press '3' to block ONLY ports used by Blaster (inbound direction only).
echo Press '4' to unassign and delete the IPSec policy created by this script.
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SET Choice=
SET /P Choice=Please select an option number from above and then press Enter:
goto CreateIPSecPolicyBasedOnOS
IF /I '%Choice%' GEQ '5' goto ERROR
IF /I '%Choice%'=='1' (
   If '%MinorVer%'=='00' goto Choice1_OSmv00

IF /I '%Choice%'=='2' (
   If '%MinorVer%'=='00' goto Choice2_OSmv00
IF /I '%Choice%'=='3' (
   If '%MinorVer%'=='00' goto Choice3_OSmv00
IF /I '%Choice%'=='4' (
   If '%MinorVer%'=='00' goto Choice4_OSmv00

IF /I '%Choice%'=='1' (
   If '%MinorVer%'=='1' goto Choice1_OSmv1
IF /I '%Choice%'=='2' (
   If '%MinorVer%'=='1' goto Choice2_OSmv1
IF /I '%Choice%'=='3' (
   If '%MinorVer%'=='1' goto Choice3_OSmv1
IF /I '%Choice%'=='4' (
   If '%MinorVer%'=='1' goto Choice4_OSmv1
IF /I '%Choice%'=='1' (
   If '%MinorVer%'=='2' goto Choice1_OSmv1
IF /I '%Choice%'=='2' (
   If '%MinorVer%'=='2' goto Choice2_OSmv1
IF /I '%Choice%'=='3' (
   If '%MinorVer%'=='2' goto Choice3_OSmv1
IF /I '%Choice%'=='4' (
   If '%MinorVer%'=='2' goto Choice4_OSmv1

echo "You have chosen to block only inbound RPC connections . . . "
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound UDP 135 Rule" -f *+0:135:UDP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 135 Rule" -f *+0:135:TCP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound UDP 137 Rule" -f *+0:137:UDP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound UDP 138 Rule" -f *+0:138:UDP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 139 Rule" -f *+0:139:TCP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 445 Rule" -f *+0:445:TCP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound UDP 445 Rule" -f *+0:445:UDP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 593 Rule" -f *+0:593:TCP -n BLOCK
REM - Assign the policy
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -x
IF /I '%ERRORLEVEL%' EQU '0' (echo "IPSec Policy created and assigned successfully!")
IF /I '%ERRORLEVEL%' NEQ '0' (echo "There were problems creating or assigning the IP Security Policy")
goto end

echo "You have chosen to block both inbound and outbound RPC connections . . ."
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound UDP 135 Rule" -f *+0:135:UDP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 135 Rule" -f *+0:135:TCP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound UDP 137 Rule" -f *+0:137:UDP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound UDP 138 Rule" -f *+0:138:UDP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 139 Rule" -f *+0:139:TCP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 445 Rule" -f *+0:445:TCP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound UDP 445 Rule" -f *+0:445:UDP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 593 Rule" -f *+0:593:TCP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound UDP 135 Rule" -f 0+*:135:UDP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound TCP 135 Rule" -f 0+*:135:TCP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound UDP 137 Rule" -f 0+*:137:UDP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound UDP 138 Rule" -f 0+*:138:UDP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound TCP 139 Rule" -f 0+*:139:TCP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound TCP 445 Rule" -f 0+*:445:TCP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound UDP 445 Rule" -f 0+*:445:UDP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound TCP 593 Rule" -f 0+*:593:TCP -n BLOCK
REM - Assign the policy
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -x
IF /I '%ERRORLEVEL%' EQU '0' (echo "IPSec Policy created and assigned successfully!")
IF /I '%ERRORLEVEL%' NEQ '0' (echo "There were problems creating or assigning the IP Security Policy")
goto end

echo "You have chosen to block only the ports used by blaster and variants . . . "
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 135 Rule" -f *+0:135:TCP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 4444 Control Channel Rule" -f *+0:4444:TCP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound TCP 4444 Control Channel Rule" -f 0+*:4444:TCP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound UDP 69 TFTP Rule" -f *+0:69:UDP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound UDP 69 TFTP Rule" -f 0+*:69:UDP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound ICMP Rule" -f *+0:0:ICMP -n BLOCK
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound ICMP Rule" -f 0+*:0:ICMP -n BLOCK
REM - Assign the policy
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -x
IF /I '%ERRORLEVEL%' EQU '0' (echo "IPSec Policy created and assigned successfully!")
IF /I '%ERRORLEVEL%' NEQ '0' (echo "There were problems creating or assigning the IP Security Policy")
goto end

echo You have chosen to unassign and remove the IPSec policy created by this script.
REM - Unassign the policy
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -y
ipsecpol -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -o
IF /I '%ERRORLEVEL%' EQU '0' (echo "IPSec Policy unassigned and removed successfully!")
IF /I '%ERRORLEVEL%' NEQ '0' (echo "There were problems unassigning or removing the IP Security Policy")
goto end

echo "You have chosen to block only inbound RPC connections . . . "
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound UDP 135 Rule" -f *+0:135:UDP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 135 Rule" -f *+0:135:TCP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound UDP 137 Rule" -f *+0:137:UDP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound UDP 138 Rule" -f *+0:138:UDP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 139 Rule" -f *+0:139:TCP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 445 Rule" -f *+0:445:TCP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound UDP 445 Rule" -f *+0:445:UDP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 593 Rule" -f *+0:593:TCP -n BLOCK
REM - Assign the policy
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -x
IF /I '%ERRORLEVEL%' EQU '0' (echo "IPSec Policy created and assigned successfully!")
IF /I '%ERRORLEVEL%' NEQ '0' (echo "There were problems creating or assigning the IP Security Policy")
goto end

echo "You have chosen to block both inbound and outbound RPC connections . . ."
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound UDP 135 Rule" -f *+0:135:UDP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 135 Rule" -f *+0:135:TCP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound UDP 137 Rule" -f *+0:137:UDP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound UDP 138 Rule" -f *+0:138:UDP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 139 Rule" -f *+0:139:TCP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 445 Rule" -f *+0:445:TCP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound UDP 445 Rule" -f *+0:445:UDP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 593 Rule" -f *+0:593:TCP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound UDP 135 Rule" -f 0+*:135:UDP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound TCP 135 Rule" -f 0+*:135:TCP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound UDP 137 Rule" -f 0+*:137:UDP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound UDP 138 Rule" -f 0+*:138:UDP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound TCP 139 Rule" -f 0+*:139:TCP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound TCP 445 Rule" -f 0+*:445:TCP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound UDP 445 Rule" -f 0+*:445:UDP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound TCP 593 Rule" -f 0+*:593:TCP -n BLOCK
REM - Assign the policy
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -x
IF /I '%ERRORLEVEL%' EQU '0' (echo "IPSec Policy created and assigned successfully!")
IF /I '%ERRORLEVEL%' NEQ '0' (echo "There were problems creating or assigning the IP Security Policy")
goto end

echo "You have chosen to block only the ports used by blaster and variants . . . "
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 135 Rule" -f *+0:135:TCP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound TCP 4444 Control Channel Rule" -f *+0:4444:TCP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound TCP 4444 Control Channel Rule" -f 0+*:4444:TCP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound UDP 69 TFTP Rule" -f *+0:69:UDP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound UDP 69 TFTP Rule" -f 0+*:69:UDP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Inbound ICMP Rule" -f *+0:0:ICMP -n BLOCK
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -r "Block Outbound ICMP Rule" -f 0+*:0:ICMP -n BLOCK
REM - Assign the policy
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -x
IF /I '%ERRORLEVEL%' EQU '0' (echo "IPSec Policy created and assigned successfully!")
IF /I '%ERRORLEVEL%' NEQ '0' (echo "There were problems creating or assigning the IP Security Policy")
goto end

echo You have chosen to unassign and remove the IPSec policy created by this script.
REM - Unassign the policy
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -y
ipseccmd -w REG -p "Block RPC Attack Vectors" -o
IF /I '%ERRORLEVEL%' EQU 0 (echo "IPSec Policy unassigned and removed successfully!")
IF /I '%ERRORLEVEL%' NEQ 0 (echo "There were problems unassigning or removing the IP Security Policy")
goto end

ECHO You appear to be running this script on an un-supported operating system.
ECHO This script can only run on Windows 2000 or later operating systems.
ECHO NT 4.0 does not contain support for IPSec.
goto end

ECHO You have entered an invalid choice.  Please enter an option from 1-4
goto GetChoice

IF /I '%1'=='' (pause)


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