+ www.****.com :
. 开放端口列表 :
o ftp (21/tcp) (发现安全提示)
o pop3 (110/tcp) (发现安全漏洞)
o smtp (25/tcp) (发现安全警告)
o imap (143/tcp) (发现安全提示)
o netbios-ns (137/udp) (发现安全警告)
. 端口"ftp (21/tcp)"发现安全提示 :
A FTP server is running on this port.
Here is its banner :
220 Serv-U FTP Server v6.0 for WinSock ready...
NESSUS_ID : 10330
. 端口"ftp (21/tcp)"发现安全提示 :
Remote FTP server banner :
220 Serv-U FTP Server v6.0 for WinSock ready...
NESSUS_ID : 10092
. 端口"pop3 (110/tcp)"发现安全漏洞 :
The remote POP3 server might be vulnerable to a buffer overflow
bug when it is issued at least one of these commands, with a too long
argument :
If confirmed, this problem might allow an attacker to execute
arbitrary code on the remote system, thus giving him an interactive
session on this host.
Solution : If you do not use POP3, disable this service in /etc/inetd.conf
and restart the inetd process. Otherwise, upgrade to a newer version.
The remote SMTP server answers to the EXPN and/or VRFY commands.
The EXPN command can be used to find the delivery address of mail aliases,
even the full name of the recipients, and the VRFY command may be used to
check the validity of an account.
Your mailer should not allow remote users to use any of these commands,
because it gives them too much information.
Solution : if you are using Sendmail, add the option :
A SMTP server is running on this port
Here is its banner :
220 gwgz.com ESMTP MDaemon 7.2.1
Sat, 05 Feb 2005 2237 +0800
NESSUS_ID : 10330
. 端口"smtp (25/tcp)"发现安全提示 :
The following 6 NetBIOS names have been gathered :
VIP-5J2Y5XQE4FO = This is the computer name registered for workstation
services by a WINS client.
VIP-5J2Y5XQE4FO = Computer name
WORKGROUP = Workgroup / Domain name
WORKGROUP = Workgroup / Domain name (part of the Browser elections)
INet~Services = Workgroup / Domain name (Domain Controller)
If you do not want to allow everyone to find the NetBios name
of your computer, you should filter incoming traffic to this port.
Risk factor : Medium
CVE_ID : CAN-1999-0621
NESSUS_ID : 10150