Sometimes you are unable to clean or delete a virus. It is because the virus is running. It is like when you open a Microsoft Word file, you cannot delete or rename it. Then, you can enter the safe mode, where the virus is not running, to delete the virus. You may refer to for details. However, if you find that some infected files cannot be deleted even in the safe mode, they are probably zipped files. By default, NOD32 does not delete infected zipped files. You can make the following settings and let NOD32 delete infected zipped files automatically.
Note: In the settings we always check the box "Copy to Quarantine". In case a deleted file is found useful, you can restore it from the NOD32 Quarantine.
首先, 開啟 NOD32 控制中心, 選擇 「NOD32」, 再按「深入分析」
First, open the NOD32 Control Center, click "NOD32" and then "In-depth analysis"
深入分析會自動開始掃描, 請按「停止」, 以作其後的設定
Scanning will start automatically, please click "Stop" so that we can change some settings.
選擇「動作」頁面, 並按下圖作設定
Click the "Action" tab, then make settings referring to the following figure.
在下拉選單選擇「開機磁區」, 並按下圖作設定
Choose "Boot sectors" from the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure.
在下拉選單選擇「壓縮檔」, 並按下圖作設定
Choose "Archives" from the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure.
在下拉選單選擇「自我解壓檔」, 並按下圖作設定
Choose "Self-extracting archives" from the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure.
在下拉選單選擇「運行時間壓縮器」, 並按下圖作設定
Choose "Run-time packers" from the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure.
在下拉選單選擇「電郵」, 並按下圖作設定
Choose "Email" from the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure.
在下拉選單選擇「操作記憶體」, 並按下圖作設定。最後按「檢查及清除」
Choose "Operating memory" from the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure.
而紅色的是發現病毒, 根據我們以上作的設定, 所有感染檔案 (包括壓縮檔), 也會被自動清除/刪除 (圖中箭咀所指位置)
ALL the lines in blue are normal information.
The red lines indicate viruses are found. According to our previous settings, all infected files (including archives) will be cleaned/deleted automatically (see the arrows)
掃描完成後請按「離開」, 並按「是」儲存我們剛才作的設定
After the scan is complete, click "Quit" and then "Yes" to save the settings. 作者: grts_dj 时间: 2007-5-18 17:54