AFX syn扫描器源码
2006-5-31 00:35
AFX syn扫描器源码
program scan; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses Windows, Winsock2; type TBufferArray = array[0..65535] of byte; iph = record ip_verlen: byte; ip_tos: byte; ip_len: word; ip_id: word; ip_offset: word; ip_ttl: byte; ip_protocol: byte; ip_checksum: word; ip_saddr: longword; ip_daddr: longword; end; tcph = record th_sport: word; th_dport: word; th_seq: longword; th_ack: longword; th_len: byte; th_flags: byte; th_win: word; th_checksum: word; th_upr: word; end; var hSocket, bSocket: integer; h文件: dword; TID: dword; Sequence: dword; Source: TInAddr; Batch文件: string; Ports: array [0..255] of word; PortCount: integer = 0; Target: dword = 0; Port: word; Delay: dword = 50; UseBatch: boolean = False; UseOutput: boolean = False; MaxScan: dword = 0; ScanCount: dword = 0; Verbose: dword = 0; Random: dword = 0; function IntToStr(I: integer): string; begin Str(I, Result); end; function StrToInt(S: string): integer; begin Val(S, Result, Result); end; function Split(Input: string; Deliminator: string; Index: integer): string; var StringLoop, StringCount: integer; Buffer: string; begin StringCount := 0; for StringLoop := 1 to Length(Input) do begin if (Copy(Input, StringLoop, 1) = Deliminator) then begin Inc(StringCount); if StringCount = Index then begin Result := Buffer; Exit; end else begin Buffer := ';';; end; end else begin Buffer := Buffer + Copy(Input, StringLoop, 1); end; end; Result := Buffer; end; function RandomAddress(Address: dword; AddressClass: byte): dword; var AddressMask: dword; Range: dword; begin Result := ntohl(Address); case AddressClass of 3: begin AddressMask := 4294967040; Range := 16777214; end; 2: begin AddressMask := 4294901760; Range := 65534; end; 1: begin AddressMask := 4278190080; Range := 254; end; else Exit; end; AddressMask := ntohl(AddressMask); Result := (Result and AddressMask) xor Result + dword(System.Random(Range)) + 1; Result := htonl(Result); end; function CheckSum(var Buffer; Size: integer): word; type TWordArray = Array[0..1] of word; var lSumm: LongWord; iLoop: integer; begin lSumm := 0; iLoop := 0; while Size > 1 do begin lSumm := lSumm + TWordArray(Buffer)[iLoop]; inc(iLoop); Size := Size - SizeOf(word); end; if Size = 1 then lSumm := lSumm + Byte(TWordArray(Buffer)[iLoop]); lSumm := (lSumm shr 16) + (lSumm and $FFFF); lSumm := lSumm + (lSumm shr 16); Result := word(not lSumm); end; procedure Header(FromIP: dword; FromPort: word; ToIP: dword; ToPort: word; Seq: longint; var Buffer: TBufferArray; var Socket: TSockAddr; var Size: word); var ipHdr: iph; tcpHdr: tcph; TcpHeaderLen: word; ChecksumSize: word; DataPointer: ^byte; procedure IncPtr(Value: integer); begin DataPointer := pointer(integer(DataPointer) + Value); end; begin Size := sizeof(ipHdr) + sizeof(tcpHdr); ipHdr.ip_verlen := ((4 shl 4) or sizeof(ipHdr) div sizeof(longword)); ipHdr.ip_tos := 0; ipHdr.ip_len := htons(Size); ipHdr.ip_id := 0; ipHdr.ip_offset := 0; ipHdr.ip_ttl := 128; ipHdr.ip_protocol := 6; ipHdr.ip_checksum := 0; ipHdr.ip_saddr := FromIP; ipHdr.ip_daddr := ToIP; ChecksumSize := 0; tcpHdr.th_sport := htons(FromPort); tcpHdr.th_dport := htons(ToPort); tcpHdr.th_seq := htons(Seq); tcpHdr.th_ack := 0; tcpHdr.th_len := 80; tcpHdr.th_flags := 2; tcpHdr.th_win := htons(65535); tcpHdr.th_checksum := 0; tcpHdr.th_upr := 0; DataPointer := @Buffer[0]; FillChar(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), 0); Move(ipHdr.ip_saddr, DataPointer^, SizeOf(ipHdr.ip_saddr)); IncPtr(SizeOf(ipHdr.ip_saddr)); ChecksumSize := ChecksumSize + sizeof(ipHdr.ip_saddr); Move(ipHdr.ip_daddr, DataPointer^, sizeof(ipHdr.ip_daddr)); IncPtr(SizeOf(ipHdr.ip_daddr)); ChecksumSize := ChecksumSize + sizeof(ipHdr.ip_daddr); IncPtr(1); Inc(ChecksumSize); Move(ipHdr.ip_protocol, DataPointer^, sizeof(ipHdr.ip_protocol)); IncPtr(sizeof(ipHdr.ip_protocol)); ChecksumSize := ChecksumSize + sizeof(ipHdr.ip_protocol); TcpHeaderLen := htons(sizeof(tcpHdr)); Move(TcpHeaderLen, DataPointer^, sizeof(TcpHeaderLen)); IncPtr(sizeof(TcpHeaderLen)); ChecksumSize := ChecksumSize + sizeof(TcpHeaderLen); Move(tcpHdr, DataPointer^, sizeof(tcpHdr)); IncPtr(sizeof(tcpHdr)); ChecksumSize := ChecksumSize + sizeof(tcpHdr); tcpHdr.th_checksum := CheckSum(Buffer, ChecksumSize); FillChar(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), 0); DataPointer := @Buffer[0]; Move(ipHdr, DataPointer^, sizeof(ipHdr)); IncPtr(sizeof(ipHdr)); Move(tcpHdr, DataPointer^, sizeof(tcpHdr)); Socket.sin_family := 2; Socket.sin_port := htons(0); Socket.sin_addr.S_addr := ToIP; end; procedure Send(TargetIP: dword; TargetPort: integer; SourceIP: dword; SourcePort: integer; Sequence: longint); var Buffer: TBufferArray; Sck: TSockAddr; Size: Word; begin Header(SourceIP, SourcePort, TargetIP, TargetPort, Sequence, Buffer, Sck, Size); while SendTo(hSocket, Buffer, Size, 0, Sck, sizeof(Sck)) = -1 do Sleep(1); end; function GetInAddr: TInAddr; var Host: array[0..128] of char; HostEnt: PHostEnt; begin GetHostName(@Host, 128); HostEnt := GetHostByName(@Host); Result := PInAddr(HostEnt^.h_addr_list^)^ end; procedure Init; var WSAdata: TWSAdata; SockAddrIn: TSockAddrIn; Option: integer; Control, BytesReceived: longint; begin WSAStartup($0002, WSAdata); hSocket := Socket(2, 3, 0); Option := 1; SetSockOpt(hSocket, 0, 2, @Option, SizeOf(Option)); bSocket := Socket(2, 3, 0); SockAddrIn.sin_family := 2; SockAddrIn.sin_addr := GetInAddr; SockAddrIn.sin_port := htons(0); bind(bSocket, @SockAddrIn, SizeOf(SockAddrIn)); WSAIoctl(bSocket, IOC_IN or $18000000 or 1, @Control, SizeOf(Control), nil, 0, @BytesReceived, nil, nil); end; procedure ReceiveResults; var Data: array [0..39] of char; BytesReceived: longint; IPHeader: iph; TCPHeader: tcph; Result: string; BytesWritten: Cardinal; StartInf TStartupInfo; ProcInf TProcessInformation; begin while True do begin BytesReceived := recv(bSocket, Data, 40, 0); if BytesReceived = 40 then begin IPHeader := iph(pointer(@Data)^); TCPHeader := tcph(pointer(longint(@Data) + 20)^); if TCPHeader.th_flags = 16 then begin if ntohs(TCPHeader.th_dport) = Port then begin if Verbose <> 0 then begin Result := string(inet_ntoa(TInAddr(IPHeader.ip_saddr))) + ';:'; + IntToStr(ntohs(TCPHeader.th_sport)) + #13#10; Write(';[CONNECTION] '; + Result); end; if UseOutput then begin Result := string(inet_ntoa(TInAddr(IPHeader.ip_saddr))) + ';:'; + IntToStr(ntohs(TCPHeader.th_sport)) + #13#10; WriteFile(hFile, pointer(Result)^, Length(Result) + 1, BytesWritten, nil); end; if UseBatch then begin Result := BatchFile + '; '; + string(inet_ntoa(TInAddr(IPHeader.ip_saddr))) + '; '; + IntToStr(ntohs(TCPHeader.th_sport)); ZeroMemory(@StartInfo, SizeOf(TStartupInfo)); StartInfo.cb := SizeOf(TStartupInfo); StartInfo.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; StartInfo.wShowWindow := SW_HIDE; createProcess(nil, pchar(Result), nil, nil, False, 0, nil, nil, StartInfo, ProcInfo); end; end; end; end; end; end; procedure ScanAddresses; var PortLoop: integer; begin while ((ScanCount <= MaxScan) or (MaxScan = 0)) do begin if Verbose = 2 then begin if ntohl(Target) mod 256 = 0 then begin Target := htonl(ntohl(Target) + 1); end; if ScanCount mod 255 = 0 then begin WriteLn(';[STATUS] '; + string(inet_ntoa(TInAddr(Target)))); end; end; for PortLoop := 0 to PortCount - 1 do begin Send(Target, Ports[PortLoop], dword(Source), Port, Sequence); Send(Target, Ports[PortLoop], dword(Source), Port, Sequence); Sleep(Delay); Inc(ScanCount); end; if Random > 0 then begin Target := RandomAddress(Target, Random) end else Target := htonl(ntohl(Target) + 1); end; Halt(0); end; procedure Usage; begin WriteLn(';AFX Syn Scanner 0.2 for 2000/XP/2003';); WriteLn(';http://www.iamaphex.cjb.net';); WriteLn(';aphex@iamaphex.net';); WriteLn; WriteLn(';Usage: scan -h:host -p:port -i:scancount -d:delay -b:batch -output -v:verboselevel -r:randomlevel';); end; procedure ParseOption(Cmd, Arg: string); begin if lstrcmp(';-h:';, pchar(Cmd)) = 0 then begin Target := inet_addr(pchar(Arg)); end else if lstrcmp(';-p:';, pchar(Cmd)) = 0 then begin Ports[PortCount] := StrToInt(Arg); Inc(PortCount); end else if lstrcmp(';-d:';, pchar(Cmd)) = 0 then begin Delay := StrToInt(Arg); end else if lstrcmp(';-i:';, pchar(Cmd)) = 0 then begin MaxScan := StrToInt(Arg); end else if lstrcmp(';-b:';, pchar(Cmd)) = 0 then begin BatchFile := Copy(Arg, 1, Length(Arg)); UseBatch := True; end else if lstrcmp(';-';, pchar(Cmd)) = 0 then begin hFile := createFile(pchar(Arg), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nil, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, nil, FILE_END); UseOutput := True; end else if lstrcmp(';-v:';, pchar(Cmd)) = 0 then begin Verbose := StrToInt(Arg); end else if lstrcmp(';-r:';, pchar(Cmd)) = 0 then begin Random := StrToInt(Arg); end else begin Usage; Halt(0); end; end; procedure ProcessCommandLine; var CmdLn: integer; begin CmdLn := 1; while Length(ParamStr(CmdLn)) <> 0 do begin ParseOption(Copy(ParamStr(CmdLn), 1, 3), Copy(ParamStr(CmdLn), 4, Length(ParamStr(CmdLn)) - 2)); Inc(CmdLn); end; if Target = 0 then begin Usage; Halt(0); end; end; begin ProcessCommandLine; Randomize; Sequence := System.Random(4294967294) + 1; Port := System.Random(65534) + 1; Init; createThread(nil, 0, @ReceiveResults, nil, 0, TID); Source := GetInAddr; createThread(nil, 0, @ScanAddresses, nil, 0, TID); while True do Sleep(1); end.
2006-6-11 09:55
AFX syn扫描器源码
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