2005-1-17 01:27
import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; public class DrawPoker extends Applet { public void init() { setLayout(new BorderLayout()); resize(550,325); setBackground(backgroundColor); /** Bottom Labels **/ Panel bottom = new Panel(); bottom.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); betLabel = new java.awt.Label("Bet:"); betLabel.setForeground(Color.white); bottom.add(betLabel); betField = new java.awt.Label("0",Label.RIGHT); betField.setForeground(Color.white); bottom.add(betField); paidLabel = new java.awt.Label("Player Paid:",Label.RIGHT); paidLabel.setForeground(Color.white); bottom.add(paidLabel); paidField = new java.awt.Label("0",Label.RIGHT); paidField.setForeground(Color.white); bottom.add(paidField); MoneyLabel = new java.awt.Label("Credits: "); MoneyLabel.setForeground(Color.white); bottom.add(MoneyLabel); MoneyField = new java.awt.Label("0",Label.RIGHT); MoneyField.setForeground(Color.white); bottom.add(MoneyField); MoneyField.setText(""+myMoney); Panel gamepanel = new Panel(); Label gameName = new Label("Game:"); gameName.setForeground(Color.white); gameName.setBackground(backgroundColor); gamepanel.add(gameName); game = new Choice(); game.setBackground(Color.black); game.setForeground(Color.white); game.addItem("Jacks Or Better"); game.addItem("Bonus Poker"); game.addItem("Double Bonus Poker"); game.addItem("Deuces Wild"); game.addItem("Joker Wild"); gamepanel.add(game); bottom.add(gamepanel); add("South", bottom); /** East controls **/ Panel right = new Panel(); right.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Panel east = new Panel(); east.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1)); betButton = new java.awt.Button("Bet 1"); betButton.setForeground(Color.white); betButton.setBackground(Color.black); east.add(betButton); max = new java.awt.Button("Bet Max"); max.setForeground(Color.white); max.setBackground(Color.black); east.add(max); deal = new java.awt.Button("Deal"); deal.setForeground(Color.white); deal.setBackground(Color.black); east.add(deal); deal.disable(); right.add("South",east); add("East",right); loadImages(); // Instantiate some arrays and Objects nodds = new int[12]; codds = new String[12]; newGame("Jacks Or Better"); } /************************************************************************/ private void loadImages() { MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(this); Toolkit tk=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); images = new Image[5][14]; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { for(int j=0;j<14;j++) { if ((i == 0 && j == 0) || (j != 0 && i != 4) || (i == 4 && j == 0)) { try{ BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream (getClass().getResourceAsStream("images/"+i+"-"+j+".gif")); byte[] data = new byte[100000]; in.read(data); images
[j] = tk.createImage(data); tracker.addImage(images
[j],0); tracker.waitForAll(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } /************************************************************************/ public void update (Graphics g) { int x,y,xlen,ylen; y = 150; x = 0; xlen = 500; ylen = 15; g.setColor(backgroundColor); if (redraw) { g.fillRect(0,0,500,350); redraw = false; } else { g.fillRect(x,y,xlen,ylen); } g.setColor(Color.white); paint(g); } /************************************************************************/ public void paint (Graphics g) { int start, xpos, ypos, i = 0; boolean done = false; start = 10; xpos = 15; ypos = start; g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawString("Frank Maritato's Video Poker Version 2.2",xpos,ypos); start += 20; xpos = 15; ypos = start; while (codds
!= null) { if (i == winningIndex) { g.setColor(Color.blue); g.fillRect(xpos-5,ypos-12,165,15); g.setColor(Color.yellow); g.drawString(codds
,xpos,ypos); g.drawString(""+nodds
*myBet,xpos+130,ypos); g.setColor(Color.white); if (gameOver) { myMoney += myBet*nodds
; paidField.setText(""+myBet*nodds
); } } else { g.drawString(codds
,xpos,ypos); g.drawString(""+nodds
*myBet,xpos+130,ypos); } i++; ypos += 15; if (i >= (currentLength/2) && !done) { xpos += 175; ypos = start; done = true; } } start += 140; xpos = 15; ypos = start; for (i=0;i<5;i++) { if (newDeal) { int a = h.hand
.getSuit(); int b = h.hand
.getValue(); g.drawImage(images[a-1]
,xpos,ypos,this); if (b == 2 && currentGame.equals("Deuces Wild")) { g.setColor(Color.blue); g.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,18)); g.drawString("WILD",xpos+10,ypos+50); g.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,18)); g.setColor(Color.white); } //System.out.println("ypos "+ypos); if (h.hand
.isHeld()) { g.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,18)); g.drawString("HELD",xpos+10,ypos-5); g.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,18)); } } else g.drawImage(images[0][0],xpos,ypos,this); xpos += 85; } if (gameOver) { start -= 40; xpos = 145; ypos = start; Font old = g.getFont(); g.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,24)); g.setColor(Color.yellow); g.drawString("GAME OVER",xpos,ypos); g.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,18)); g.drawString("Play 5 coins",xpos+35,ypos+15); g.setColor(Color.white); g.setFont(old); myBet = 0; } MoneyField.setText(""+myMoney); } /************************************************************************/ public boolean handleEvent(Event evt) { if (evt.id == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY) System.exit(0); return super.handleEvent(evt); } /************************************************************************/ public boolean mouseDown (Event e, int x, int y) { int card1Start = 15; int card2Start = card1Start+85; int card3Start = card2Start+85; int card4Start = card3Start+85; int card5Start = card4Start+85; int ytop, ybot; ytop = 165; ybot = ytop + images[0][0].getHeight(this); if (!gameOver) { redraw = false; if ( y > ytop && y < ybot) { if (x > card1Start && x < card1Start+70) { hold(0); } else if ( x > card2Start && x < card2Start+70) { hold(1); } else if ( x > card3Start && x < card3Start+70) { hold(2); } else if ( x > card4Start && x < card4Start+70) { hold(3); } else if ( x > card5Start && x < card5Start+70) { hold(4); } } } return true; } /************************************************************************/ public boolean action (Event e, Object arg) { if (arg.equals("Bet 1")) { placeBet(1); } else if (arg.equals("Bet Max")) { placeBet(5); } else if (arg.equals("Deal")) { dealIt(); } else if (arg.equals("Draw")) { draw(); } else if (e.target instanceof Choice) { newGame(""+arg); } return true; } /************************************************************************/ public void hold (int num) { if (h.hand[num].isHeld()) { h.hand[num].setHeld(false); } else { h.hand[num].setHeld(true); } repaint(); } /************************************************************************/ public void dealIt() { if (currentGame.equals("Joker Wild")) d = new CardDeck(1, true); else d = new CardDeck(1, false); h = new Hand(d.draw(), currentGame); for (int i=1;i<5;i++) h.Insert(d.draw()); newDeal = true; paidField.setText("0"); deal.setLabel("Draw"); betButton.disable(); max.disable(); winningIndex = h.checkHand(); redraw = true; repaint(); } /************************************************************************/ public void draw () { for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { if (!h.hand
.isHeld()) { h.Delete(i); h.hand
= d.draw(); } } resetIt(); winningIndex = h.checkHand(); gameOver = true; deal.disable(); redraw = true; repaint(); } /************************************************************************/ public void resetIt() { deal.setLabel("Deal"); betButton.enable(); max.enable(); game.enable(); betField.setText(""+myBet); } /************************************************************************/ public void placeBet(int n) { int thisbet = 0; if (n == 5) { thisbet = (5 - myBet); myBet = 5; } else { thisbet = 1; myBet++; } newDeal = false; betField.setText(""+myBet); deal.enable(); myMoney -= thisbet; winningIndex = 11; if (myBet == 5) { betButton.disable(); max.disable(); dealIt(); } game.disable(); gameOver = false; redraw = true; repaint(); } /************************************************************************/ public void newGame (String arg) { newDeal = false; winningIndex = 11; currentGame = arg; codds[0] = "Royal Flush"; nodds[0] = 800; if (arg.equals("Jacks Or Better")) { codds[1] = "Straight Flush"; codds[2] = "4 of a Kind"; codds[3] = "Full House"; codds[4] = "Flush"; codds[5] = "Straight"; codds[6] = "3 of a Kind"; codds[7] = "2 Pair"; codds[8] = "Jacks or Better"; codds[9] = null; codds[10]= null; currentLength = 9; nodds[1] = 50; nodds[2] = 25; nodds[3] = 8; nodds[4] = 5; nodds[5] = 4; nodds[6] = 3; nodds[7] = 2; nodds[8] = 1; } else if (arg.equals("Bonus Poker")) { codds[1] = "Straight Flush"; codds[2] = "4 Aces"; codds[3] = "4 2's, 3's, 4's"; codds[4] = "4 5's - K's"; codds[5] = "Full House"; codds[6] = "Flush"; codds[7] = "Straight"; codds[8] = "3 of a Kind"; codds[9] = "2 Pair"; codds[10] = "Jacks or Better"; currentLength = 11; nodds[1] = 50; nodds[2] = 80; nodds[3] = 40; nodds[4] = 25; nodds[5] = 8; nodds[6] = 5; nodds[7] = 4; nodds[8] = 3; nodds[9] = 2; nodds[10] = 1; } else if (arg.equals("Double Bonus Poker")) { codds[1] = "Straight Flush"; codds[2] = "4 Aces"; codds[3] = "4 2's, 3's, 4's"; codds[4] = "4 5's - K's"; codds[5] = "Full House"; codds[6] = "Flush"; codds[7] = "Straight"; codds[8] = "3 of a Kind"; codds[9] = "2 Pair"; codds[10] = "Jacks or Better"; currentLength = 11; nodds[1] = 50; nodds[2] = 160; nodds[3] = 80; nodds[4] = 50; nodds[5] = 10; nodds[6] = 7; nodds[7] = 5; nodds[8] = 3; nodds[9] = 1; nodds[10] = 1; } else if (arg.equals("Deuces Wild")) { codds[1] = "4 Deuces"; codds[2] = "Royal Flush w/2's"; codds[3] = "5 of a Kind"; codds[4] = "Straight Flush"; codds[5] = "4 of a Kind"; codds[6] = "Full House"; codds[7] = "Flush"; codds[8] = "Straight"; codds[9] = "3 of a Kind"; codds[10] = null; currentLength = 10; nodds[1] = 200; nodds[2] = 50; nodds[3] = 16; nodds[4] = 13; nodds[5] = 4; nodds[6] = 4; nodds[7] = 3; nodds[8] = 2; nodds[9] = 1; } else if (arg.equals("Joker Wild")) { codds[1] = "Royal Flush w/Joker"; codds[2] = "5 of a Kind"; codds[3] = "Straight Flush"; codds[4] = "4 of a Kind"; codds[5] = "Full House"; codds[6] = "Flush"; codds[7] = "Straight"; codds[8] = "3 of a Kind"; codds[9] = "2 Pair"; codds[10] = "Kings or Better"; currentLength = 11; nodds[1] = 100; nodds[2] = 200; nodds[3] = 50; nodds[4] = 15; nodds[5] = 6; nodds[6] = 4; nodds[7] = 3; nodds[8] = 2; nodds[9] = 1; nodds[10] = 1; } redraw = true; repaint(); } // ** Variables ** Image images[][]; int myBet = 0, myMoney = 100, winningIndex = 11, nodds[], currentLength; String codds[], currentGame; static String OSNAME = ""; CardDeck d; Hand h; boolean newDeal = false, gameOver= true, redraw=true; Color backgroundColor = new Color(0,100,0); //{{DECLARE_CONTROLS java.awt.Button deal; java.awt.Label label1; java.awt.Label betLabel; java.awt.Button max; java.awt.Button betButton; java.awt.Label MoneyField; java.awt.Label MoneyLabel; java.awt.Label betField; java.awt.Label paidLabel; java.awt.Label paidField; Choice game; //}} }
2005-2-12 16:39
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