类型 端口/服务 安全漏洞及解决方案
提示 smtp (25/tcp) A SMTP server is running on this port
Here is its banner :
220 dvdserver3 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 5.0.2195.6713 ready at Wed, 11 May 2005 03:30:17 +0800
NESSUS_ID : 10330
提示 domain (53/tcp) Maybe the "domain" service running on this port.
NESSUS_ID : 10330
提示 www (80/tcp) A web server is running on this port
NESSUS_ID : 10330
漏洞 netbios-ssn (139/tcp) NT-Server弱口令: "1/[空口令]"
提示 netbios-ssn (139/tcp) Maybe the "netbios-ssn" service running on this port.
Here is its banner:
83 .
NESSUS_ID : 10330
提示 https (443/tcp) Maybe the "https" service running on this port.
NESSUS_ID : 10330
提示 microsoft-ds (445/tcp) Maybe the "microsoft-ds" service running on this port.
NESSUS_ID : 10330
提示 unknown (8080/tcp) Maybe the "Proxy server" service running on this port.
NESSUS_ID : 10330
提示 epmap (135/tcp) Maybe the "epmap" service running on this port.
NESSUS_ID : 10330