This is the IP (Internet Protocol) address of the machine, a single machine might have multiple IP adresses associated with it.
Host name: WALL
This is the domain name of the machine. There can be multiple domain names assigned to a single IP (Internet Protocol) address or one domain name assigned to multiple IP addresses.
Average Ping Response: 0 ms
Time To Live: 128
Report Date: 2004-12-01
This is the date and time the scanner started to perform the auditing process. The date and time is reported off the machine local time zone.
Audits 4 - 3
NetBIOS: Null Session
Description A Null session is sending a null for the user name and password when establishing a connection to the ipc$ (Inter Process Communication) pipe. If a remote attacker is able to establish a null session they can gain lists of user names, shares, etc...
Risk Level: High
How To Fix: Add the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA Name: RestrictAnonymous Type: REG_DWORD Value: 1.
BugtraqID: 494
Accounts: Administrator - Password Does Not Expire
Description If a users password does not expire you allow a remote attacker endless amount of time to try to figure out your users password. It is recommended that you make all users passwords expire unless the user account is used for a system service.
Risk Level: Medium
How To Fix: Remove the password never expires option from the user account.
1. Open User Manager.
2. Select the user from the list.
3. Select Properties from the User menu.
4. Uncheck "Password Never Expires."
5. Click "Ok".
CVE CAN-1999-0535
Accounts: Guest - User Never Logged On
Description It is suggested that you review this user account. If it is not needed or was not created by an administrator of your network, it is suggested that you disable or delete it.
Risk Level: Information
How To Fix: To delete the account:
1. Open User Manager
2. Select the account to delete
3. Press the "Delete" key
4. Click "Ok"
To Disable the account:
1. Open User Manager
2. Select the account to disable
3. Select Properties from the User menu
4. Check "Account Disabled"
5. Click "Ok"
Accounts: Guest - Password Does Not Expire
Description If a users password does not expire you allow a remote attacker endless amount of time to try to figure out your users password. It is recommended that you make all users passwords expire unless the user account is used for a system service.
Risk Level: Medium
How To Fix: Remove the password never expires option from the user account.
1. Open User Manager.
2. Select the user from the list.
3. Select Properties from the User menu.
4. Uncheck "Password Never Expires."
5. Click "Ok".
CVE CAN-1999-0535
Machine 4 - 4
Date and Time 12/14/2004 2:17
OSName Windows NT
OSVersion 5.0
Shares 4 - 5
IPC$: 远程 IPC
Type IPC
Description This is a default share created when the server first boots. Responsible for Inter Process Communications.
D$: 默认共享
Description This is a default share created when the server first boots. It is a mapping to the root of your D drive.
ADMIN$: 远程管理
Description Default Administration share. The admin$ share is a mapping to \winnt\system32. An attacker could use access to this share to remotely run l0pht crack against your server to find out your passwords.
C$: 默认共享
Description This is a default share created when the server first boots. It is a mapping to the root of your C drive.
Users 4 - 6
Administrator: 管理计算机(域)的内置帐户
User: Administrator
Logon Server: \\*
Number of Logons: 252
Privilege: Administrator
Password expired: no
RID: 500
Bad PW Count: 0
Country Code: 0
Guest: 供来宾访问计算机或访问域的内置帐户
User: Guest
Account Disabled: True
Logon Server: \\*
Number of Logons: 104
Privilege: Guest
Password expired: no
RID: 501
Bad PW Count: 4
Country Code: 0
Ports 4 - 7
21: FTP - File Transfer Protocol [Control]
Found Audits 0
80: WWW-HTTP - World Wide Web HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
Found Audits 0
81: HOSTS2-NS - HOSTS2 Name Server
Found Audits 0
82: XFER - XFER Utility
Found Audits 0
83: MIT-ML-DEV - MIT ML Device
Found Audits 0
119: NNTP - Network News Transfer Protocol
Found Audits 0
135: RPC-LOCATOR - RPC (Remote Procedure Call) Location Service
Found Audits 0
137: NETBIOS-NS - NETBIOS Name Service
Found Audits 0
138: NETBIOS-DGM - NETBIOS Datagram Service
Found Audits 0
139: NETBIOS-SSN - NETBIOS Session Service
Reply Banner in Request ?/TD>
Found Audits 0
445: MICROSOFT-DS - Microsoft-DS
Found Audits 0
500: ISAKMP -
Found Audits 0
1025: LISTEN - listen
Found Audits 0
1026: NTERM - nterm
Found Audits 0
1080: SOCKS - Socks
Found Audits 0
5190: AOL - America-Online
Found Audits 0
8080: Generic - Shared service port
Found Audits 0
8088: Generic - Shared service port
Found Audits 0
Found Audits 0
你看明天了吗,楼上的 ? 什么呀你就“好东西” ?哈哈
Description If a users password does not expire you allow a remote attacker endless amount of time to try to figure out your users password.