[watermark]发一段老早写的列举,结束进程的程序代码,perl写的.- #!perl -w
- use Win32::Process;
- use Win32::ToolHelp;
- print " 进程管理工具
- By Xtiger www.Xtiger.net\n-------------------------\n";
- while(print qq/1、列举进程;\n2、结束进程;\n3、查询进程的绝对路径和加载的模块。\n想做什么:/)
- {
- $want=<stdin>;
- chomp($want);
- print "--------------\n";
- if($want eq ';1';){getlist() and next;}
- if($want eq ';2';){killpid() and next;}
- if($want eq ';3';){modpid() and next;}
- if($want<1 or $want>3){print "选择错误!\n";}
- }
- sub getlist
- {
- print "PID","\t","线程数","\t","名称","\n";
- my @ps = Win32::ToolHelp::GetProcesses();
- foreach my $p (@ps)
- { print $$p[1],"\t",$$p[4],"\t",$$p[8], "\n"; }
- print "--------------\n";
- }
- sub killpid
- {
- print "请输入需要结束的进程的PID:";
- $kpid=<stdin>;
- chomp($kpid);
- if($kpid eq "" or not $kpid=~/[\d.]/g)
- {
- print "没有正确输入PID\n";
- goto nokill;
- }
- my $kill=Win32::Process::KillProcess($kpid,1);
- if($kill==1)
- {
- print "\n成功结束进程!\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print "\n结束进程失败!\n";
- }
- nokill:
- print "--------------\n";
- }
- sub modpid
- {
- print "请输入需要查询的进程的PID:";
- $mpid=<stdin>;
- chomp($mpid);
- if($mpid eq "" or not $mpid=~/[\d.]/g)
- {
- print "没有正确输入PID\n";
- goto nomod;
- }
- my @ms = Win32::ToolHelp::GetProcessModules($mpid);
- foreach my $m (@ms)
- { print $$m[7],"\t",$$m[8],"\n"; }
- nomod:
- print "--------------\n";
- }
复制代码 [/watermark] |